5 Units Apartment Complex 1,95 M Sanur

Harga Jual

Rp. 1.95 Miliar
Apartments complex 5 units with independent power and gas, etc.
Located 900 metres from the beach with excellent acces.
Presents as new with storerooms loundry, CCTV, all services (IMB), (PDAM), (DSDP), fully furnished and equiped.
This property offers many options for a quick ROI.
The property is leasehold for 20 years with extension clause.
All offers and purchase options considered please contact owner direct for further information.
Please phone Putu : 085100976785 or 085739015253
Luas Tanah 300 M2
Luas Bangunan 350 M2
Kamar Tidur 5
Kamar Mandi 5
Daya Listrik 6,600 Watt
Swimming Pool
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