Modern Townhouses Designed In Great Location Babakan Canggu

Harga Jual

Rp. 1.54 Miliar
Modern Townhouses designed to fit the increasing short term rental demand in Canggu and at the same time to appeal members of the Balinese Expats Community looking for a cozy and well located accommodation to work and live in.

The idea standing at the core of the project is to create a product in the middle between a curated loft and a one bedroom villa, both of them being at the moment undersupplied and absolute best-sellers in Bali.

Cost-effective and definitely attractive, these Townhouses will occupy the "smart" segment which ranges between middle and middle-high market end, featuring minimal-chick style, private garden and private plunge pool.

Townhouses will as well be extremely versatile as investment proposition. Both sale and rent appear as profitable options at project completition, with returns up to expectations even for the most demanding audience.

Babakan Area is one of the hottest locations at the moment in Bali. Beautifully located on the "back" side of famous Batu Bo
Luas Tanah 30 M2
Luas Bangunan 30 M2
Kamar Tidur 1
Kamar Mandi 1
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit! adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!