Harga Jual

Rp. 28.26 Miliar
These 2 Freehold villas stand on an amazing 20,6 are of a land located in the amongst picturesque rice fields of Umalas, just 5 to 10 minutes from Seminyak.

These stunning villas provide a perfect, peaceful exclusive retreat just minutes from some of the best beaches, restaurants, shopping and nightlife on the island.

The villas themselves offer Balinese style designed around the central free form swimming pool, surrounded by lawns and extensive tropical gardens.

As a popular holiday villa, this property provides an ideal fusion of Balinese style open-air living and Western style facilities including mod-cons you would expect from a luxury Bali Villa.

Offering eight fully air-conditioned bedrooms, all with private en-suite open-air bathrooms and multiple living and dining areas provide additional relaxation and entertainment options.

A blend of rustic serenity and the latest modern conveniences, this property is an ideal private experience that will last a lifetime.

As a private Bali villa, this property is a great investment and perfect for a group or family, for a memorable get together with friends or family.
rumah dijual dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 2060
lb: 1175
bedroom: 8
bathroom: 8
Luas Tanah 2,060 M2
Luas Bangunan 1,175 M2
Kamar Tidur 8
Kamar Mandi 8
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit!
Dijual.co.id adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!