The Loggia Luxurious Japanese Art Of Living In Duren Tiga South-,

Harga Jual

Rp. 2.69 Miliar
For sale, various types of the Loggia apartments, located in Jalan Duren Tiga Raya South Jakarta, close to Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu and Jalan Raya Mampang, a convenient access to CBD Kuningan, SCBD and Kemang.

The first in Indonesia. The Loggia introduces the new living concept of Reversibility into Emptiness. Imagine a room with built-in storage, transformable daybeds, bunk-bed and working area which can be used for multi-functional space. The space is designed for practical urban living, empowering you with the freedom to choose and create a living space that suits your lifestyle.

Available for various types of apartments (please see the brochures and video attached).

Price : Rp. 2,687,930,000.- (for 2 + 1 bedrooms, size 89.30 / 74.50, please see brochures for detailed information).

Contact marketing agent : Taufiq tel. / WA :
apartemen dijual dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 30
lb: 89
bedroom: 3
bathroom: 1
Luas Tanah 30 M2
Luas Bangunan 89 M2
Kamar Tidur 3
Kamar Mandi 1
secure parking
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit! adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!