The Ultimate Luxury Living Providence,

Harga Jual

Rp. 20 Miliar
A truly unique place to live, PROVIDENCE PARK is located in Permata Hijau, South Jakarta and combines the highest levels of privacy and comfort with the best view in Jakarta. This stunning apartment features three and four spacious double bedrooms, each with ensuite, a formal dining room as well as a large reception room and an eat in kitchen, both with balconies overlooking the Sudirman Street commanding some of the most stunning views in Jakarta.
apartemen dijual dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 30
lb: 353
bedroom: 3
bathroom: 4
Luas Tanah 30 M2
Luas Bangunan 353 M2
Kamar Tidur 3
Kamar Mandi 4
sistem alarm
water heater
secure parking
swimming pool
keamanan 24 jam
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit! adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!