Harga Jual

Rp. 11.5 Miliar
This villa was built with the original intent of a private retreat in 2007. It was done for the love, beauty and serenity of the land. The property is strategically located in a quiet, peaceful area up on the hills of North Bali. The elevation is about 300m above sea level. The villa is only 10-minute drive away from Lovina beach, the main tourist attraction of north Bali. The road is newly paved. The property sits in a massive, tropical garden measuring almost one hectare in size. There are 4 separate buildings with a total of 5 bedrooms 8 bathrooms. Youll fall in love with the hammocks in the massive wraparound balconies and the luxurious green open-air bathrooms in this Bali Villa. All the living areas are framed with sliding glass doors on three sides giving you unobstructed views. Each bedroom has a fabulous, en-suite plant-filled bathroom. There is a spring-fed infinity pool with a covered dining pavilion. The property features a yoga studio with panoramic views. There is a massage room
rumah dijual dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 9600
lb: 1020
bedroom: 5
bathroom: 8
Luas Tanah 9,600 M2
Luas Bangunan 1,020 M2
Kamar Tidur 5
Kamar Mandi 8
Swimming Pool
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