Leasehold Villa In An Extremely Sought Canggu

Harga Jual

Rp. 550 Ribu
one 5 Bedroom
ONE 4Bedroom
Utilizing international construction quality
and standards.
Located in an extremely sought after area for
both short and long term rentals.



Villa 4 Bedrooms 495k usd 190k usd

Villa 5 Bedrooms 545k usd 230k usd

construction started on the villas mid-april With an
expected 10 month build out for both villas concluding
in 2- 2022

A. Villa - 4 bedrooms
1.1 LOT 2
land size =lot. 2 = 268.66 m2
1st floor = building size 101.21 m2
2nd floor = building size 95.97 m2
balcony = building size 25.93 m2
totally building size for 1 villa -4 bed rooms = 223.11 m2

1.2 LOT 4
lot. 4 = 266.26 m2
1st floor = building size 101.21 m2
2nd floor = building size 95.97 m2
balcony = building size 25.93 m2
totally building size for 1 villa -4 bed rooms = 223.11 m2

1.3 LOT 6
lot. 6 = 256.90 m2
1st floor = building size 101.21 m2
2nd floor = building size 95.97 m2
balcony = building size 25.93 m2
total building size for 1 villa -4 bed rooms = 223.11 m2
B. villa - 5 bedrooms
2.1 lot. 1 = 269.18 m2
1st floor = Building size 93 m2
2nd floor = Building size 113.60 m2
balcony = Building size26.75 m2
total building size 1 villa -5 bed rooms = 233.35 m2

2.2 lot. 3 = 263.71 m2
1st floor = Building size 93 m2
2nd floor = Building size 113.60 m2
balcony = Building size26.75 m2
total building size 1 villa -5 bed rooms = 233.35 m2

2.3 lot. 5 = 275.36 m2
1st floor = Building size 93 m2
2nd floor = Building size 113.60 m2
balcony = Building size26.75 m2
total building size 1 villa -5 bed rooms = 233.35 m2
rumah dijual dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 233
lb: 250
bedroom: 5
bathroom: 5
Luas Tanah 233 M2
Luas Bangunan 250 M2
Kamar Tidur 5
Kamar Mandi 5
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit! adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!