Menteng Executive 21 BR - Full Renovation, Best View Jl. Pegangsaan

Harga Sewa

Rp. 32.4 Juta (Bulanan)

Rp.32.400.000 / USD2400 per month


Menteng Executive Apartment has complete facilities including: 

Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts, Fitness Center, Sauna, Mini Market, Laundry & 24-hour CCTV security.

Additional information:

Menteng Executive Apartment Located in Menteng, Central Jakarta where the best residential area in Jakarta.

Provides housing that combines comfort and luxury, while in an environment that guarantees you a comfortable and safe way of life.

Its strategic location right in the heart of the city provides easy access to Central Jakarta the Business District, Embassies, the best museums, and the biggest shopping center in the city.
apartemen disewa dengan kualitas terbaik. Investasi menjanjikan!

lt: 0
lb: 132
bedroom: 2
bathroom: 2
Luas Bangunan 132 M2
Kamar Tidur 2
Kamar Mandi 2
Tinggalkan nomor handphone anda di bawah. Penjual akan menghubungi dalam hitungan menit! adalah pusat periklanan properti mulai dari rumah, apartemen, ruko, tanah dan masih banyak lainnya. Bersama kami berkembang, jadikan kami sebagai solusi periklanan anda!