The Best Stylish Villa Charming At Umalas Peacefully Located Among The Rice,�,.

Harga Jual

Rp. 4.13 Miliar
Stylish Villa Charming at Umalas peacefully located among the rice fields of Umalas and just 10 minutes from Seminyak, the busy main entertainment area with restaurants, boutiques and beachclubs.

Land size 600 sqm
Built area 300 sqm
3 bedroom
with en-suite bathroom
3 Air conditioned bedrooms
Closed living & dining room area integrated with equipped modern kitchen.
Private swimming pool
Tropical garden

Price IDR 4.125 Billions
(around 1$=15.000)
Price USD 275.000
For LEASEHOLD 12 Years
Possible to extend

More Information :
Wa+Call 081999000281
Call 082237708168
Luas Tanah 600 M2
Luas Bangunan 300 M2
Kamar Tidur 3
Kamar Mandi 3
Daya Listrik 7,700 Watt
Swimming Pool
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