Harga Jual

Rp. 80 Miliar
The Garden House a newly constructed luxury 4 storey modern contemporary home, and is located in the heart of Menteng in Central Jakarta, close to the business district of Jalan Sudirman and Thamrin, and the preferred home of diplomats, former presidents, generals and the rich and famous. The house is very light and airy and makes full use of its courtyard design both to optimise the interior space, as well as to feature plants and hanging gardens from the ground floor to the roof. All bedrooms and the dining rooms have views over the lush gardens to the front of the house or in the courtyard

Luas tanah: +/- 800
Luas bangunan 2,300
Bangunan 3 lantai + basement

Kamar Tidur : 7 + 6
Kamar mandi : 8 + 2 Garasi : 9
Ruang olahraga, Private office, Home theatre, Ruang makan ada 2, Ruang tamu, Ruang Keluarga, Modern kitchen fully fitted, Courtyard swimming pool, Sauna, Large party and entertaining room on roof garden, Elevator (lift) dari basement ke lantai 3, Gudang : 2
Luas Tanah 800 M2
Luas Bangunan 2,300 M2
Kamar Tidur 7
Kamar Mandi 8
Kamar Tidur Pembantu 6
Daya Listrik 23,000 Watt
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